An airline's Letter of Compliance is more often than not an overlooked and underestimated document. Like the airline's manuals, the Letter of Compliance is (or should be) a "living document." Quite typically however, the airline does not properly budget for the constant monitoring and up-dating this document requires, with airline staff being generally too busy doing their day-to-day tasks to maintain it properly, or to the degree necessary to keep it current and up to date. The surprise comes when the FAA office charged with the airline's oversight requests the most recent copy of the airline's Letter of Compliance. On that day, panic sets in, the airline's productivity goes down, and normal responsibilities are compromised when department heads are given the task of reviewing the portion of the Letter of Compliance that applies to their individual departments and then making any necessary updates or changes to the document. Since this review and updating is a tedious task that must be done "in addition to" the normal daily routine, both the Letter of Compliance and daily routines are compromised. In a remarkably short period of time, Wing It Aviation can review an airline's manual library, and make the appropriate changes to their Letter of Compliance, without disrupting normal day-to-day activities and responsibilities. An extra benefit of having Wing It Aviation update, or produce the airline's Letter of Compliance is that the procedure - when done by Wing It Aviation - acts as an independent third-party, unbiased audit of the airline and its manual library. When Wing It Aviation produces or updates an airline's Letter of Compliance, we provide a separate written report with observations, discoveries and pertinent recommendations, especially when a violation is uncovered. This procedure allows the airline to utilize the FAA's self-disclosure process utilizing the recommendations provided in that separate report as a potential comprehensive fix that self-disclosure process requires. Information RequestIf you require our services in the regard, or have any questions concerning our Compliance capabilities, please submit your request on our Contact Us form. |
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